Net Zero Gameshow

The Island's first 'Going Electric' event attracted nearly 1,000 visitors. It was a great showcase of how far the electric vehicle industry has come already... and what's yet to come. On our stand, we had a 'Net Zero Gameshow' - asking participants various sustainability-related questions.

12 August, 2022

netzero gameshownetzero gameshow

Each game contributed to our 10-tonne offsetting goal, which we reached: in total, we offset over 11 tonnes of CO2.

Thank you to Anthony from Hotensify and Andy Casey from DemoPad for their support in making this happen.

They provided the hardware and software for our stand. Brilliant to work with.

Thank you Alex Watts for hosting the game show.

Congratulations to Wight Community Energy and everyone else involved in organising such a brilliant event.

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