Spotting the signs and symptoms of greenwashing

We are really pleased to have successfully secured funding to help businesses understand more about greenwashing, steering them away from making unfounded (and potentially costly!) green claims.

17 October, 2024

At NOSY, we take greenwashing really seriously and feel it’s our duty to help people learn more about it.

This is why our successful bid for funding in the 2024 Creative Catalyst competition, run by Innovate UK, is significant. More on that to follow.

We know awareness around greenwashing is growing but it’s clear many still struggle to understand what it is and when to spot it.

We feel this is an important problem to solve, especially as there’s serious legislation around greenwashing, which can create significant reputational and financial risks for businesses. It’s a big deal.

In a nutshell, greenwashing is used by companies to promote themselves in ways that make them appear to be environmentally friendly, when they have done nothing, or very little, to reduce their impact on our environment.

Using buzzwords around being 'green' and using 'green solutions' are common tactics to drive more sales. Our role is to help stop this from happening.

Innovate UK

With funding and support from Innovate UK, NOSY has been tasked with developing an interactive tool to help organisations communicate without greenwashing.

Our goal for this project is simple: help users tell the difference between true and false environmental claims. We believe this is how we start making better choices for the planet.

Over the next three months, we’ll be working on an initial version of the tool and to ensure it’s as effective as possible, we'd love to get some insight and support from you.

We would be really grateful if you could spare a few moments to complete the short survey below. Your input and views are incredibly valuable. Thank you.

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